Feature 2456

Area: Trench 6 
Dug in Year: 2006 
Feature Type: burial 
Feature Subtype:  
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Grid X: 676.5  Grid Y: 970.5
EW oriented stone cist grave, with two levels of stone-built walls and a floor of clay with many white inclusions and a thing ashy layer just above. Roughly triangular stone at East lying on top of walls looks like a "headstone". Whole cist capped by a stone capping consisting of two large flat stones at E and W halves of the grave, with a row of smaller stones in between and at the Eastern end. All stones were white limestones save the two flat stones of the capping, which were pinkish, and the NW cornerstone with was slightly blue.
Inside was the disturbed skeleton of a child, mixed with pot sherds and some animal bone. There was an animal burrow in the base of the grave.

This grave appears earlier than 2454 to the East as the latter walls seem deliberatly thin as the western side so as not to cut this grave. Walls of this grave and stone capping are in place - only the grave fill (13864) seems disturbed due to animal activity. The skull of the child was scattered in three places in the fill - extreme east, north central and central - giving a sense of the level of disturbance in the fill. No obvious grave goods seem to have been deposited - sherds and obsidian in fill just look like fill matter rather than deliberate depositions. "Headstone" perhaps should be "footstone" given the usual orientation of skull to West in this area. However, as skull fragments were found to the East in this grave and not to the West, perhaps the skeleton was oppositely aligned to the other burials in the area - with head facing E rather than W. 
In situ Conservation: No 
Lifted: No 
Feature Relationships:
earlier than: (Click to view the record) 2454 
Number of Related Diary Entries: 7
Conservation Recorded: No
Related Photos: 13 (Opens as a group in a new window) 


No. Of Units in this Feature:  6  (Click here to view unit list)
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