Feature 1019

Area: North 
Dug in Year: 2003 
Feature Type: south wall of 88 
Location: south of space 88 
Grid X: 1053.18  Grid Y: 1181.59
South wall of space 88 is constructed of regular rows of brick and layers of mortar. There are 10 rows of brick preserved; bricks are made of reddish light brown sandy stuffed clay and they are of a standardized thickness (4-8cm) and shape (regular, elongated up to 0.85m). Mortar is of that sticky middenny type that was used for all the other walls of the space. But here it is moist and greasy as is the whole wall. It contains inclusions such as charcoal, slats, gypsum.
This wall is contemporary with the east wall (f 163) since the bricks of the two interlace. It is probably contemporary with the west wall (f 1020). Directly below this wall lies the earlier one whose remains are visible at the bottom of sp. 88 (unit 8643) as well as underneath the east wall of space. This older wall is made of blackish bricks of a very different texture comparing to those of the later wall - they are stronger, moist and more compact - which makes it easy to define the bottom end of the south wall os space 88.
It would be interesting to notice that the lower part of this wall is wetter and accordingly darker, with the colours more emphasized than in its upper part. Munsell colour chart for the upper portion of wall would be 7.5 yr / 6/4 for the bricks, and 10 yr 4/2 for the mortar. After removal of the south wall of space 88 it was revealed it actually continues to the west, enclosing the space 87 (which was assigned F 1024 before the situation was encountered). It is very likely that the excavation of this south wall of spaces 88 and 87 (f 1019 and f1024) will be coni=tinued next year.
When we excavated 8685 (fill inbetween f 1019 and f 1022) a new surface was exposed revealing strange situation where in the upper part some five rows of brick of orangeyish brown colour are regularly placed, belonging to f 1022 while underneath there is a layered midden with 3 randomly placed orange bricks, one above the other, that are not part of any visible feature. Next to them, to the east, a block of 6 black bricks and similar mortar sits on top of brown sandy brick, with thin layer of midden like mortar inbtw. This block most probably is of the same type and might belong to the "black bricked wall"which south was discovered n the base of f 1019 (see sketch at the back) 
In situ Conservation: No 
Lifted: No 
Feature Relationships:
abuts: (Click to view the record) 1022 
bonded with: (Click to view the record) 163, 1020 
same as: (Click to view the record) 761, 1024 
Number of Related Diary Entries: 0
Conservation Recorded: No
Buildings: (Click to view the record)

Spaces: (Click to view the record)

No. Of Units in this Feature:  4  (Click here to view unit list)
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Konya Seker
