Feature 2379

Area: North 
Dug in Year: 2007 
Feature Type: bench 
Feature Subtype:  
Location: Central eastern quadrant of space 311 
The following is compiled from Archive Report 2007:

Platform F2378 was elevated slightly with a brick rubble core (14727) which also formed the core of an additional bench F.2379 at its southern limits, effectively reducing the size of the platform on its N-S axis by 30cm the width of the new bench.

Next in its development the bench alone seems to have been plastered by (14733) though this seems unlikely such that the plaster on the platform was either eroded or so fragmentary it was removed during excavation with the later surface. Prior to the next plastering of both bench and platform the benches height was elevated slightly by 2-4 cm with a thin layer of brick crush (14732) and an off white marl plaster
(14733) applied to the bench alone. The two features then as with the platform to the north were covered with a sequence of make up layers and plaster surfaces (14721), (14719), (14684) & repair (14686), a very remnant floor (14646) lipped up to the platform and partially covered the bench and finally the whole bench and platform were covered by a thick layer (2-4 cm) of fine white plaster (14630).

The platform and bench combination against the eastern wall was mirrored exactly in Building 60 above excavated in 2006, with the exception of the nine burials contained within the later buildings platform. 
In situ Conservation: No 
Lifted: No 
Feature Relationships:
above: (Click to view the record) 2378 
Number of Related Diary Entries: 0
Conservation Recorded: No
Related Photos: 4 (Opens as a group in a new window) 
Buildings: (Click to view the record)

Spaces: (Click to view the record)

No. Of Units in this Feature:  5  (Click here to view unit list)
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Konya Seker
