Mudbrick wall forming southern extent of building 75. Defined in 2007, and excavated in 2008. Upon excavation, the relationship of the wall to 5005 became clear and is defined as follows (from Archive report 2008):
The walls for the space 328 (F.2624 and F.5005, the southwestern and southeastern walls respectively), were founded inside this cut before the cut was finally backfilled with two fills. The first of these, (17301) in the southeastern return and then by (17088) in the southwestern return. The walls themselves were bonded into one another, making them a single construction event.
The brick elements (15776) (in wall F2624) and (17314) (in wall F.5005) were all comprised of firm cemented slightly silty sand, which was pale yellow-brown in colour. The bricks were bonded with cemented pale grey-brown slightly ashy silt, which contained occasional to moderate charcoal flecks, which averaged between 50 and 70mm thick.
The walls stood to an average height of 0.4m high from the base of the cut to their final surviving height. This amounted to between 3 and 4 courses (stepping down towards the southern end of the space probably to account for the underlying slope). After the backfilling of the construction cut only 0.2m of the wall stood higher than the internal ground level of the building. The backfill of the construction cuts for these walls, (17088) and (17301), were both mid-grey brown sandy silts, containing brick fragments. The uppermost of these, in the cut for the southern wall, (17088), not only filled the construction cut (17318), but also served to level the southern portion of the room, forming the foundation for the primary oven structure which abutted the south wall of Space 328.. |