Mudbrick wall in FT7. Runs north-south for 1.8 m before turning at northern end to east, where it extends for 1.2m. It consists of a mas 8 courses, less in EW part, and is built with three brick types and two mortar types (see individual units). The brick and mortar types overlap illustrating that the wall is a sinble build with a range of resources and materials rather than rebuilds/ repairs.
Lower 4 courses contain a type of grey brick (15611) which is more familiar to some from L. VIII or L. IX ? In the south area, and have not been found in the 4040 before, which is considered to be in the later levels.
The eastern + southern faces are plastered, as is the northern + part of the NW corner suggesting this is an external wall
DISCUSSION Wall, part of a structure, probably internal wall, as plastered on both sides. Use of several brick and mortar types in construction. Particularly type familiar to lower levels in the South raises interesting questions: is this practical use of left over materials or a more symbolic action. Are the builders using whatever resources are available or are the sourcing specific materials. And so referencing specific people/ places/ buildings/ times. Or are these bricks in a structure that is extremely long-lived, or taken from one which is/was still extant, rather than quarrying for old bricks?
As building goes out of use F2841 is built before in filling (see F2841) later both E/W parts of walls are built on by later structure represented by wall F2828. |