Area: Trench 5 |
Dug in Year: 2011 |
Feature Type: wall |
Feature Subtype: |
Location: under F.2427, east in Sp.461 |
F.3357 is a wall from grey mudbrick and white mortar under F.2427 that was cut by the byzantine pit F.3331. The interface between F.2427 and F.3357 is blurred by the pit cut (F.2427 sits directly on F.3357), but F.3357 reaches further west than F.2427, therefore the separation is unclear. Southern end of F.3352 is outside of the trench, in the north it might form a corner with F.3359 or not. |
In situ Conservation: No |
Lifted: No |
Feature Relationships: |
bonded with?: (Click to view the record) 3359 |
cut by: (Click to view the record) 3331 |
Number of Related Diary Entries: 2 |
Conservation Recorded: No |
none | Spaces: (Click to view the record)
| No. Of Units in this Feature: 0 |