Area: North |
Dug in Year: 2013 |
Feature Type: wall |
Feature Subtype: |
Related Photo (Click to view larger version in new window) |
Location: SE corner of B 108 |
Grid X: 1045.4 Grid Y: 1175.2 |
Feature 3623 together with F.3624 had been assigned as the southern walls of Space 489. The wall F.3623 (U.19441-bricks; U.20675-mortar) comprised the eastern section of mentioned structure and like its western counterpart (F.3624) was erected after preparing foundation cut through the midden. The foot of the feature reached the bottom of the soft dumping deposits and it stood directly on the surface of earlier wall, made of dark-grey bricks and mid/light-orange mortar, creating solid foundation and proper surface to set on its base the factual structure of B.108. At the stage of recording the section of the feature (see plan 13/20, 13/21) and afterward in the course of its excavation it was possible to evidence the irregularities within the construction, that were caused probably by the lack of space (in the narrow foundation cut) and disability to maintain faultless course of bricks keeping also parallel thickness of mortar. The majority of the faults in the wall was evidenced within exposed in 2013 Western part of the feature, where in some points thick mortar layer was arranged instead a brick (see section 13/20 & 13/21). It is possible that the letter as well as an overlap between Southern walls (3623,3624) indicate that their erection had been conducted from both sides (Eastern and Western) independently. The statement assume possibility that builders started raising the wall F.3623 from the deepest point in southern section, that means from S-E corner due to bond that wall with the Eastern one. At the same time in opposite corner (S-W), however at higher elevation, the wall F.3624 had been erected separately. The desynchronized construction caused by different foot levels of both walls and afterward setting several courses toward the central part of the structure independently, resulted in missed contour line and overlapping the construction (see plan12/305). Therefore in the central part the builders were forced to provide appropriate techniques to join both constructions by the usage of thicker mortar. |
In situ Conservation: No |
Lifted: No |
Feature Relationships: |
bonded with?: (Click to view the record) 3624, 3627 |
Number of Related Diary Entries: 7 |
Conservation Recorded: No |
Related Photos: 18 (Opens as a group in a new window) | Buildings: (Click to view the record)
| Spaces: (Click to view the record)
| No. Of Units in this Feature: 2 (Click here to view unit list) |