Feature 3697

Area: North 
Dug in Year: 2013 
Feature Type: burial 
Feature Subtype:  
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Location: Within NE platform of B.77 
Grid X: 1046.02  Grid Y: 1183.81
This is a primary Neolithic burial within platform F.6051 in B.77. This is an adult Neolithic burial (20683), laid on its back in a flexed position with its hands on its chest. The relative undisturbance of the burial suggests this is one of the later additions to the platform, although F.3615 seems to be above this feature. Skull 20684 may actually have been placed with the flexed individual sk.20683. Several beads were found in the center of the burial and eventually more beads of different shapes and materials (copper, stone, bone and shell) and also a small whitish stone and a presumed stalactite. The stalactite had a cavity and several small stone beads fell out of it. These items may have been placed within a leather pouch, as evidenced by the brown organic matter surrounding them, which was sampled. Many beads - small black ones - were found by the vicinity of the cranium of sk.20683. The skeleton (20683) rested upon an oranges material which is thought to be associated with the burning of bodily material.

The cut of the burial was not very distinct, although it does appear to be circular in plan and incorporates cranium 20684 to its boundary.

Cranium 20684 had not other bones associated with it (including single rooted teeth) and its possible placement within the cut makes us believe that sk.20683 was buried with it. 
In situ Conservation: No 
Lifted: No 
Feature Relationships:
below: (Click to view the record) 3612, 3615 
cuts: (Click to view the record) 6051, 7132, 7133 
Number of Related Diary Entries: 0
Conservation Recorded: No
Related Photos: 43 (Opens as a group in a new window) 
Buildings: (Click to view the record)

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No. Of Units in this Feature:  4  (Click here to view unit list)
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