Area: South |
Dug in Year: 1999 |
Feature Type: Fire installation |
Feature Subtype: oven |
Location: in the SW corner of the B23. |
Grid X: 909.6 Grid Y: 967.8 |
This is N - S aligned fire installation and situated in the SW cornerr of the building 23. A dramatic cut in the SW corner, which is identified as a post retrieval pit caused to big damage to thios feature; even that can be the cause its collapse but there was not strong evidence to base on, in this point. Dur to this activity which is obviously ;later than the fire installation's construction in the area, w e lost the connection of it to the SW corner. Continuation of the side walls of the dire installation suggest that it was reaching to the south wall.
Removal of the fills within the feature also showed us that several stages of repair or preparation activities took a place within this feature. Especially combination of the greenish clay material and the one side smooth and burnt oven remnants suggests that even [possibly this feature repaired at least once immediately after its roof collapsed. Or this can be entirely related to the floor which right above of it.(4779) The greenish clay have been applied in order to stabillize the collapse material and and bond or compact it in its place. Remnants inside the feature also suggest that the fire installation was domed type one which was also discovered in the building 17 (charlie's house) However, some of the repair works are also traceable from the E wall of the hearth. The collapsed material (earliest collapse) goes over the East wall and the wall repaired and raised a little more.On the E the wall which is built up against the wall still standing and used by F549 as well as F557, actually it is belong to F557.This concludes that the both feature used by same people and they are contemporary.Besides that show continuity for cooking activity in thisarea. Eventually all the cooking or food preparetion activities are shifted possibly into E part of the house in the S area. |
In situ Conservation: No |
Lifted: No |
Feature Relationships: |
above: (Click to view the record) 557 |
cuts: (Click to view the record) 5116 |
Number of Related Diary Entries: 0 |
Conservation Recorded: No |
Buildings: (Click to view the record)
| Spaces: (Click to view the record)
| No. Of Units in this Feature: 7 (Click here to view unit list) |