Unit 19151
Category: Skeleton dug in 2016
Area: South
Interpretive Categories: primary skeleton
Data Category Information: none
Description: Measurments:
R Clavicle : 12 cm
R humerus: 28.5 cm (medial view)
R Ulna : 25 cm
L Ulna : 26 cm
L Humerus : 29 cm ( not complete)
L Femur : 42 cm
L tibia: 34 cm
L patella : (4.5x4 cm)
R radius : 23 cm
R ulna : 25 m
R femur : 42 cm (anterio-lateral view)
R fibula : 35 cm
Discussion: Sk 19151 deposited simultaneously with individual (ind.)19152. Individual 19151 is a adult possible female. It was the first individual deposited. Situated in the southern part of the burial cut, this individual lay slightly on its left side but she is placed as well supine in a flexed position. The cephalic extremity is oriented to the west with the feet to the east. The cranium of the individual 19151 presented in the superio-lateral right view (looking to the north), the mandible still perfectly in articulation. The right upper limb abducted (the right humerus form an angle of 180 ° with the shoulder, the right elbow is elevated and flexed with the forearm forming an angle of 80 ° to the east. The right hand is pointed to the south (palm up), below the right humerus of individual 19152. It was probably holding the humerus of the other individual, because the hand is partially closed. The left hand of 19151 is flexed under 19152 toward the torso, the right hand in palmar view is closed below 19152's chin.
The labile joints of both hands of individual 1951 are in perfect anatomical connexion.
The right leg (in lateral view) was hyperflexed onto the thorax area, against the back of individual 19152. The feet of 19152 are hyperflexed in front of him with the knees touching the chest area. The right leg is more flexed toward the torso. Both patellas are in-situ. The right foot is in lateral view, in a perfect anatomical connexion.
The left femur is in posteromedial view, with the tibia in antero-medial view. The calcaneus and talus are well connected to the tibia and fibula, but the other tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges are missing (the foot bones were exposed since 2013, so we think they were being collected through the several cleaning of the platform 3442).
The left part of the rib cage lay much more in the bottom of the pit, in general the rib cage had retained its natural shape and the pelvic girdle is tightly articulated. The sacrum and all the rib cage don’t touch the southern edge of the cut. After lifting this skeleton and cleaning the northern edge of the cut, a worked bone pin (x2) with the sharp tip oriented to the east was found against the cut edge, it was almost near the pelvic girdle area. This pin could be used for holding the clothes or shroud that was around the individual. In fact, the hyperflexed and very tight and constrained position of the bones (cf. both clavicle verticalisation, hyperflexion of knees, position of metacarpals, etc.) away from the burial cut borders probably indicates that the body had to be enveloped by a flexible envelope.
The x1 is a fragment of black pottery discovered below the cervical vertebrae.
The perfect anatomical connexion especially for the most labile joint tend to express that the decomposition occurred in a filled place. Besides, the hyperflexion of the skeleton away from the burial cut northern edge and the flat bottom of the burial cut indicates that probably the body was initially enveloped by a flexible envelope.
X and Y of Targets: Target A - X: 934.6488; Target A - Y: 962.6394; Target B - X: 935.1169; Target B - Y: 963.4301; Target C - X: 934.0778; Target C - Y: 963.0992; Target D - X: 934.4217; Target D - Y: 963.868
Right Arm:
Left Arm:
Right Leg:
Left Leg:
Other comments: moderate preservation
Surface Modifications:
Unit Stratigraphy (as recorded in the field):
Number of Samples recorded by excavator: 5
Number of X-Finds recorded by excavator: 2
Number of Related Diary Entries: 0
Associated Mellaart Levels (from Space): Unassigned at present
Associated Hodder Level (from Space): Unassigned at present
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Finds Room Information:
All material from site passes through the finds room for washing and separating before it is passed onto the various lab teams. The finds room keeps a basic inventory of what is found. A finds material type list is given here. Further analytical detail maybe provided by the Lab Team data below.
X Finds Material: nothing recorded
Finds Material Stored: nothing recorded
Lab Team Data
Please note the list below does not represent everything that might have been found in this Unit, but represents the datasets we have available on-line. Please ArchaeoBots Sample Recorded: No Ceramics Data for 2016 still to be released Clay Object Records: No Chipped Stone Records: No Conservation Recorded: No Faunal Records: Yes
Count of records:: 1 Figurine Records: No GroundStone Records: No Heavy Residue Records: No Microfaunal Records: No
Sorry not all of this data is available online at present, please contact us if you are particularly interested microfauna recordsPhytolith Sample: No
Sorry not all of this data is available online at present, please contact us if you are particularly interested phytolith samplesDownload this Units Data