On an archaeological excavation every deposit is given a unique number. At Catalhoyuk
we call these numbers Unit numbers (similar to Context numbers). The dig has already
allocated over 20000 Units numbers!
Displaying Unit Numbers List By Off-Site | Page 1 of 4 (Total Records: 34)
| 13104 | Unstratified OFF SITE
Unstrat finds picked up from irrigation channel along eastern edge of East mound in 1999.
Unit number allocated retrospectively to fit f... | 13105 | Unstratified NOT REC BUT CLOSE BY.
Unstrat material collected from path running along Mellaart spoil heap | 13106 | Unstratified UNSTRAT NUMBER FOR MATERIAL COLLECTED FROM OVERALL SITE IN PREVIOUS YEARS | 18800 | | 18801 | | 18802 | Dark grey silty clay; some patches of dark grey brown clay (probable root scars), some flecks of small (<1 cm) and very small (<2 mm) white clay & ora... | 18803 | Mid orange-brown silt, few small rounded pebbles (<2cm) | 18804 | Dark grey silty clay; some patches of dark grey brown clay (probable root scars), many flecks of small (<1 cm) and very small (<2 mm) white clay, some... | 18805 | Bleached yellow clay; many small flecks (<1 cm) of white clay & orange-red sandy clay, some large patches (<30 cm) of dark brown & orange silty clay (... | 18806 | Light grey-brown clay-silt; few small areas with streaks of dark brown silty clay (probable root disturbance) |
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