Building 47
Area: North
Location: rectengular 4m. E-W / 8m. N-S
FOR THE INTERIOR OF HE BUILDING SEE SPACE SHEET 237. ! Building 47 is the latest stracture in the area , postdating allthe other features and stractures. The specialists reporsts (specially pot) indicate that the building 47 and its interior. Is level IV. The evidences they bring are quite convicing. The identified and excavated three sides of the building. The northern wall was probably eroded away. We have some traces of grey bricks (such as feature 1560) in the area. We can only assume that the wall was placed on top of the very thick earlier wall that runs E-W in the area. We know that the western wall of the building did exactly that (reused an earlier wall to be set on top of. The eastern wall is a row of a grey bricks (only one course 10235 left) set on top of a shorter row of red bricks (10243) which can be either the make up for 10235 or again an earlier wall reused. Because of this second possibilty , we left earlier wall 10249 in place . Southern end of eastern wall consist of a thiner wall (therfore creating a niche in space 237) unit 10262 and a thick wall , earlier , reused , which is the western wall of the abutting building. The southern wall is very solid , three courses of grey bricks preserved, makes a nice corner and would have joined 1562 but it was truncated by a byzantine grave. Western side of the building consist of two things; western wall which is constantly the same at all levels.´ western raised area (platform) which has three courses of bricks with three different layouts. The first two courses are probably different ways of constructing in the same phase, but the third one is a different phase . We know that because the the plaster floors in space 237 come against and go up on the first two courses of bricks (10253;10231) while the third coarse (10220) extends east and covers the floors. This means that of some stage the inhabitants of building 47 decided to extend the grey brick platform twords east.
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Number of Related Diary Entries: 4
Conservation Recorded: No