Building 63

Area: IST 


Location: IST 


Building 63 is partially excavated.The N and E sections lie under the unexcavated area.The exposed part is the SW of building.It has two spaces/rooms.It has two phases (building phases/renewals after fire).The exposed level (in 2005&2006) in the late phase.It's heavily burnt on South.It can be an accidental fire which caused its destruction.Heavy finds espacially the ground stone objects as a mace head,grinding stones,polishing stones(2) were found in the SW space 283.Naturel and various stones ; a crystal(?),a stalagmite etc.. seem to be collected as finds too.The early phase,Ph1, is not excavated except S283.The present phase(13-07-2006) is Phase 2. Phase1: (in space 283) has a heavily burnt fill.The mudbrick fragments,fragments of collapsed roof (fragments with parallel grooves,inidicated the use of reeds(?) )Since it is only excavated on the E half of the space -not much is known about it.After the removal of Phase2 (one of the objectives of 2006 compaign)-it will be possible to interpretPhase1. Phase2:The probable fire (in Phase1)caused the Building to be renewed.It is mostly possible that in 283 ,a new floor and min.2 bins were constructed.The late floor has a post base on its NE corner.The kerb on which implies that the platforms (1993&1994) also belong to Phase2. Spae284 was destroyed on S by intrusive pits and channel-like disturbance(documanted in 2005).Hearth 1995 was partially excavated-partially preserved.Its floor is exposed all over the space except the destroyed southern section. Space 285 is N of 284.It is not physically divided from 284.Platform 1993 is the southern limit of space 285. A pedestal (F1991)on the SW corner and a clay box (F1980)on W,both lead on the wall of space 285; i.e: the partition wall between 289 an 285 . F1992 is the kerb separating an ashy and burnt area on the very N of the space.The burnt area seems to be the rest of a hearth(?) all belonging to Phase2,the renewal phase after a fire. 


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