Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Mira Stevanovic 
Team: Bach 
Date: 8/19/1997 
Entry: 19 (Tu): New Units: 2232, 2233.

Old Units:

New Units:
Unit 2232/Feature 152 is a skeleton
This burial features a child skeleton, which is well preserved and from which we’ll be taking some bones for DNA analysis. This burial is the richest so far in terms of burial goods. There is: a glass bottle of the same kind and style as the one that was found in burial Feature 151; a bone needle (ca. 25-30cm long) which was (deliberately) snapped in two and carefully laid on the chest/stomach part of the body. had it been a result of post depositional processes in the ground it would not have been so placed as parallel; two bronze/copper cylindrical beads (1cm long) were located around the neck of the body.
Unit 2233 is a burial fill
A layer of fine compacted and hardened clay was covering the skeleton, the result of seeping of the water through the coffin. This may have been a reason for such a good preservation of the skeleton. The burial goods were drawn, photographed and removed before the end of the working day.
Unit 2233 is a amorphous structure of white plaster mixed with bricks made of white clay.
The structure is very eroded and had been located on the surface in the scraping. We have attempted cleaning of the structure but it is very difficult to recognize any shape or surface that would indicate what this pile of plaster originally represented. It is obvious that in the pile there are some fragments (10-20 cm long) of multilayered plaster that resembles the wall plasters. The top of this pile consists of a mass of fine plaster which is layered. The bottom part, which extends from under the top layer plasters and towards the W-wall of the room (space 86) represents crumbly and rough plaster material that seems to be used for white bricks. The W-wall of the room in the area of this structure also contains 3-4 white bricks that were made of the same clay. This is one indication that the structure has been part of the West wall of space 86. We decided to cross-cut the structure in order to investigate it further.

Unit 2212
A skeleton from the burial was taken out and in the fill under the skeleton a "button" most likely made of glass was found.

In Units 2213, 2218, 2221, 2223, 2220, and 2222 we scraped more in order to see how to proceed with excavation.
In Units 2223 and 2213 we seem to be arriving on deposits which are different from what we have been excavating so far. The new deposits look much more like the pit/miden deposits, which have been reached in the Unit 2229, than like eroded rubble-like brick deposits that we have had in the layer above. In the new deposits we also come across much more finds: bone, stone...
It seems that in the most of room under the layer of hard fill we have the miden-like soft fill. This could mean that we are presently digging the fill between two house floors: (i) one that was above or on the present surface, which has eroded away; (ii) the earlier floor is deeper down and the miden material was dumped on it. This would mean that the Neolithic people filled up the old house with miden deposits and only much later continued to build up on the walls of the house.

Unit 2230
This unite is in the SW corner of space 86 and is under and around the burial cut (U-2205/2206). The burial cut through a small internal wall which starts from the S-wall of space 86. On the bottom of the burial there are remains of the internal wall which have plaster on both sides and even elements of decoration with bits of red paint.Entered By: Mira Stevanovic 
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