Entry: | After having a meeting yesterday, today we worked well organized. I mainly dealing with unit sheets in Trench 5 and labelling x finds and finds. In T 5 , We found 2 x finds nr 1 /2 which were small iron nails in unit s/ 13720 where Nejat and Sedef worked together to brush the floor . I labelled them first and add to unit sheet 13720 then got xy coordinate with Helen by total station. Unfortunately today we had some problems with reading total station. It took couple of minitues to set up total station and get to work again which sometimes we had to wait for a while.
In T5 I laso organized labels of finds for unit sheet 13723 which is a arbitrary layer where workers Mustafa Serkan and Metin worked to clean the top soil. They found a x find nr 1 stone ball we add to unit sheet and took x y coordinate with Helen.
I also open two new unit sheets where Burcin and Gulay worked together today in T5 .Unit sheet 13725 is a construction of grave. Unit sheet 13727 Layer and Grave fill. After taking 5 points of h, and Gulay made a drawing plan no 06/ 903 they started to to dig grave fill 13727. I add plan nr to unit sheets as well.
We opened new unit sheet 13729 it seems to be layer and Pitt fill in where Nejat and Sedef cleaned the 13 720 unit sheet. Nejat took photo of it. We also opened new unit sheet 13732 for its cut which is a pit cut we start to dig tomorrow hopefully..
Today our Turkish team worked only in t5 Our friend Esra has been sick since last nigth, having severe back pain I took her and Sedef around 1 40 to Cumra Hospital. They had their X ray and Esra was given 2 days off and 4 medicine to get rid of the pain soon. Sedef will also take the same medicine will do only some ligth work.
Tomorrow I think that our team will dig unit s 13727 and 13729. Also 4 people from Selcuk team will join to trench 6 to start digging.Entered By: GG |