Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Kostas Kotsakis 
Team: Thessaloniki Team 
Date: 9/21/1996 
Entry: We are almost at the end of this season and work in Building 10 has reached a good point. The architecture of the house has been cleared up and the overall plan is now complete. Along the Eastern wall there is a low bench and a platform, which goes into the northern baulk of the trench, towards the northern wall of Building 10. In the South wall, an oven was set in a shallow recess of the wall, while along the western wall a low platform with traces of red colour was found. The platform extended towards the middle of the room, and a circular hearth, possibly with a badly preserved rim was sitting on it. The whole of the room was covered with a spread of plaster of uneven preservation, but fairly homogeneous. A horn found right in front of the east platform, lying on the floor, completes the picture. I decided to stop the excavation at this point, as lifting the floors and features will require time of which we are short now. The only point which remains obscure is the association of the walls of building 10 with building phases: they seem to follow different alignments, and give the impression of belonging to discrete building episodes. The observation of the stratigraphic section on the west cliff shows W-E wall (105) to go deep into the exposed deposits, while the little wall 119 shows in the section exposed by pit 100 to be rather shallow. So apparently 119 is much later than 105. It remains to be seen whether the rest of the walls (102, 103, 104) are contemporary with 109 or with 105. A problem for 1997!Entered By: Kostas Kotsakis 
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