Entry: | Team: all without Ezra, plus Jonathan and Catriona Weather: pretty hot
In trench 5, Gulgun and Hanife planned the stones 13722, so they are ready for take-out tomorrow.
Within unit 13743, we reached a female skeleton 13746 in grave feature 2403, which was exposed until its pelvis by Scott, who also found a very nice fingerring (13746 x1) with three gemstones, which had once been on her left hand, placed on her hips. Since I am still searching for "my" ring (my great-grandmother's ring is not fit for daily heavy duty use), this skeleton touches me much more than Tracey (13705).
Jonathan and Catriona's skeleton 13744 also was taken out except its hips, which are very fragile.
While drawing in the E extension of trench 5, Ingmar troweled around and further exposed unit 13735, and at the moment it looks like an intricate criss-cross pattern painted in white on a collapsed mubrick wall. The conservators came out to harden it since it's quite fragile, also Ian, Chris and Jason, and and we had fun doing some extra hours until 4.30 taking photos and drinking coke. It is interesting to note that possibly lumps of that stuff came up in the fill unit 13727 and 13737 in feature 2403, which at least gives us a terminus post quem.
In trench 6, cleaning and drawing cotinued. Naiose took down the problematic structure 13823, which now seems to be a hardened grave infill since it has mudbrick on both the S and W side. If that N mudbrick, however, is late, then this casts doubts on the EC dating of the wall and plaster we got running into the N profile.
Christoph dug down a pit fill (13819) and got down onto something that looks like a prehistoric floor.
The Selcuk team could not find the end of the mudbrick grave lining they found in the SE corner, but another stone-paved grave instead that may have cut the mudbrick grave.
Putting the Total Station up at another point further N gave us much better visibility, so hopefully we can take end levels of remaining units tomorrow.
A meeting at 5 PM with Ian, Mihriban, Gunes, Sahina, Roddy and Peter to discuss differences and similiarities between how the Istanbul team, Peter (Drama) and I (Troia) and Catal digs, was really inspiring for me - "german" profile-supported digging with a daily sketch recording the chronology of your own work seems to be very important as long as you mostly have disconnected features going on that you cannot yet link (as we still have on the west mound). Once you are into real structures, such as the houses they got on the east mound, you don't need that anymore: then your own work order should be exactly the reverse of the stratigraphic order, and profile baulks are more in the way than they help.Entered By: ER |