Entry: | The excavation of building 49 has continued over the past two weeks with the removal of a number of floor deposits and features. A skeleton was removed from grave cut [13608], F1656. The skeleton was that of and older male and was particularly interesting as the legs, arms and shoulders (scapula and clavicle) had been removed prior to burial. No grave goods were present in the burial.
Basin F1652 has been removed from the south of the space. This was a complex structure with a number of phases of construction and alteration. A smaller basin was recorded to the west of the main structure. Two floors were removed from platform F1666, sealed by the basin. These in turn sealed a small pit cut [13648], possibly representing an emptied out cache, the fill of the pit contained no significant finds.
Several post retrieval pits have been excavated. Features 1493 and 1496 were against the eastern wall F1660 and F1494 and F1495 on the northern wall. Of these only F1493 contained any significant finds and was designated as a priority unit. F1493 consists of cut [13641] and fill 13640, this fill contained a piece of a possible grinding stone, probably used as packing to support an upright timber, and a horn core, horse skull and cattle radius. The animal bone was mixed with building infill and may have originated from installations on the walls of the building. The floatation sample taken from fill (13640) was consistent with building infill and no remains of particular interest were identified from the flot or heavy residue.
A number of floors have been removed from the centre of the building as has the construction of platform F1656. All these deposits were relatively sterile with few finds recorded.
The wall plaster is currently being removed from the northern wall of space 100, and has revealed several phases of red painted plaster. The later painted plaster had no obvious design, however earlier layers (13669) and (13676) show geometric designs in red and black paint. The excavation, conservation and recording of these paintings continues, however the proximity of the plaster to the surface sadly means preservation is poor. It is hoped an area of the wall painting can be lifted and preserved for display purposesEntered By: DE |