Entry: | Team: all except Sedef, Mustafa and Serkan sent to east mound, Peter back after breakfast Weather: extremely hot
In Trench 5, Seliha exposed what is left of skeleton 13778 using unit 13780 for the undisturbed soil around the lower body, in grave 2404 and after photo started to draw it.
Gulgun and Vildan had a picture taken and drew how grave 2406 looked before we fully expose the skeleton and started to excavate it by removing the grabe fill unit 13771. It does not look as badly disturbed as the visibe ulna close to the tibia suggested.
I drew the pit fill and cut 13766 and 13767, which are now ready for take-out tomorrow.
Gulay exposed the badly disturbed skeleton 13782 in grave 2407 in the trnech 5 extension, where Ingmar continued drawing the puzzling mudbricks there which still do not really match up into a coherent pattern of structures, although they are clearly visible. We assume that we have cut into into a mudbrick wall in the SW corner, where we look at the wall plaster from the inside which is just forming the outside of our W profile. A very irregular situation from the point of excavation procedure, and this would not have happened if we had removed the loose topsoil only with unit 13723, as we did in trench 5.
In trench 6, Scott finished his drawing of the skeleton he unearthed yersterday, Helen started to do so with hers (2455). The big stone-lined grave 2458 was dug down by members of the Selcuk team. Naoise was engaged in draing the stone lined grave 2456, where only few remains of an infant burial had survivied. The fill of the disturbed cist 2451 was dug by Selcuk team as well.
In Tom's sounding, the plaster floor developed into a basin structure, which is disturbed by several pits, such as a round one (2457) and a rectangular garve to the N. In order to establish its relation with the possibly EC mudbrick wall 13810 which is right under the N profile, I suggested taking out a pit filled with loose soil that also cuts into the rectangular grave that cuts into the floor. Hopefully we can see the continuation of that floor in the cut tomorrow.
The paperworks seems completely overwhelming at the moment, since every unit sheet and plan has to be checked for completeness, little task that require overall control which cannot be delegated to the team members, and I am writing this diary at 10 PM. Today Gulgun got started with entering unit sheets - since I did most of them in trench 5, because except her no participant in the trenches is able to write in english there will be lot of homework for me. I am so tired now, I go to my tent.Entered By: ER |