Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Simon McCann 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 9/9/2006 
Entry: Have made a start on the post retrieval pits, last week and this week and they aren't as easy as we first thought. Pos lulled into sense that stripy floor layers would guide us but of course they don’t go all the way to the base! Frustrating day today really as you get doubts about the edge, especially when you half section and you think you might not have the base so that in one of mine, [14603] the base on the north looked 'dirty' so tried to follow an edge which just wasn't there and ended up taking more than I had to off the base and was still left with the nagging doubt that perhaps it's still fill!!!
Anyway decided to move on from that and start another and see what we get in the end with all of them dug. There's no one around whose dug these at the moment so for me and Dave there's no one to ask so complete retrieval pit novices. Are the posts squared off, round or D shaped?, are they flat bottomed, if so why isn't the pit? Why is there plaster behind this one on the wall and not others? etc etc..
Beginning to feel like the plan No should be changed as it's 06/ 666, and things had great edges before!; well that’s probably because everything was either plaster or floor so not too difficult to mess up!!
Slow going at moment as awkward to get into base of pits, at arms reach and tight, especially in half section, and long list of stuff to do that Shahina left us still looks long!
House still looking good and still big, still very impressive, wondering if there is another equally as impressive beneath!Entered By: Simon McCann 
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