Entry: | First entry 2007
Arived on site the morning of the 16/06/07, helped set up the seminar room and dug out the records for building 59 and 60, to get up to speed on where the excavations finished 2006, as Simon and Dave continued excavation after I left 2006.
On 16/06/07 we went to the 4040 area and proceeded to uncover building 59 space 311 and 313 from the protective sand bags and geotextile, the eastern end of the building had suffered some damage from the heavy rains of 2006, but all in all the structure was in very good order. The wall painting at the eastern end was still as good as I rembered and had not appeard to fade. Simon and Dave had emptyed the rest of the room fill and the post retreval pits, and an abandonment phase Multi context plan drawn.
Two small sections of wall remained from building 60 above and were the first units to be removed planing the lowest course. The first to the south F. 2216 made up of units (13473) and (13474) bricks and mortar respectivly. The second to the east F.2215 consisted of units (13471) and (13472).
The rest of the week was spent in the south shelter, excavating with Lisa, Freya, James and Anies, in the little britian area, removing the reminants of made ground from within the rooms and and taking down the walls. Several intercutting pits were located to the east and appear to be sandwitched bettween two distinct dumping of events consisting of laminated midden dumps. We finished up in little britian 24/06/2007 and will be going back to the 4040 area tomorrow.Entered By: MWH |