Entry: | Two new, articulated inhumations. Oh joy. Under platform F.37, Naomi is digging one and myself the other and hopefully these are the primary interments. They are in remarkably good condition and have suffered little or no disturbance which is interesting; indeed, in many ways there seem to be much fewer occurrences of total disarticulation here than elsewhere sugesting more care. Moreover all the burials in this platform appear to have their heads pointing into the room (to the west) except for the top, headless one [1466]. Another interesting pattern seems to be the age of these, which are all adult unlike those under F.13 which are predominantly juvenile - all that is except the one I am working on which could be a teenager (or younger), although clearly what constitutes 'adult' is open to cultural variability. Over on platform F.13, Chad is now alone, deserted by Loiuse who has gone to help Bud with the museum work etc. Chad is having a frustrating time at the moment because the mass of disarticulated bones increases daily, and even though there may not be much depth to them, the density makes the work very hard and slow. Ali was also off today for the Cumra melon festival but returns tomorrow to continue working on the walls in Space 70; Charlotte has completed the cleaning and recording of a whole wall here in one day which is really good and the only consolation with the slowness of the burials is that we may have everything recorded, architecturally-wise, to be ready to just remove everything that has to be with gusto. I am sure everyone will look forward to knocking down the internal walls!Entered By: Gavin Lucas |