Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Shahina Farid 
Team: Field Director 
Date: 8/21/1997 
Entry: I thought today would be a day to catch up with my backlog of work but unfortunately it wasn't to be, by the end of the day I'd taken 7 tours around the Mellaart area.

We had a priority dscussion on Craigs pit cut 2050, discussing in particular the upper two fills 2028 and 2036 in space 113. Faunal remains in 2028; density of bone low, small assemblages, condition tended to be abraded, few bones of large animals but in small fragments but mostly of sheep/goat size and because of fragmentary state there were few diagnostic pieces. 2036 similar but smaller in quantity but the same pattern. Louise wondered whether the fill showed any signs of water action as the general feeling as far as the bone was concerned was water worn. Bots. pretty much same scenario as the bone, sparse in quantity, not too much diversity 'tho 2028 had slightly more diversity than 2036. Heavy residue pretty much same as bots. Lithics finally came it to its own; 2036 more than 2028, homogeneous assemblage of knapping debris possibly derived from a single event and lots of small but complete pieces. Craig noticed that composition wise the two units shared a lot of characteristcs. General concensus was to wait to discuss the two lower fills before going mch further as apart from the obsidian the botanical and faunal assemblages indicated a secondary reworked dumping possibly from different sources. We're still in the dark as to the function of this pit, the fill by no means is necessarily indicative of the use of the pit as the fill may have been secondary to the cut. Anyway we'll wait to see if the lower fills are similar.

Much of the day in spaces 116 and 117 was spent as yesterday, exposing the wall plaster on the north wall in 117, many lumps and bumps are turning up which can be interpreted as something or nothing. Frank spent much of the day grouting, parts of the wall are really loose and there is the danger of further collapse and if we're not carefull, on someones head. Space 116, Jenny continued to reduce the fill around the possible collapse moulding as number 2066. Space 109, engin and aylin are still in room fill, the fire installation 82, I managed to allocate one unit number to and nothing else has at least two major phases to it and is cut quite far into the wall, might be similar to those that Wendy recorded in section (where?). Spaces 112 and 113 pretty much the same as yesterday, skeletons and section drawing.Entered By: Shahina Farid 
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