Entry: | Still have yet to settle somewhere for more than a day or two. Finished foundation trench 12, which contained a layer of crushed mudbrick (15006) which was sealed by loose ashy middin deposit (15002). The crushed mudbrick is probably room fill and the middin deposit suggests the building fell out of use after this abandonment phase.
Managed a day excavating middin with Simon and Heather, a student from Stamford, before starting work on the 'street' area Space 271. Here we removed (14184) which contained a single human tibia and was thought to be the base of a heavily truncated grave. This sealed 14185, a humic brown deposit with considerable rooting, which was in a narrow irregular cut along the southern side of space 271. The nature of this deposit was unclear but it may be a result of root disturbance. Lori just came in just this second and told me the bone from 14184 was not human but juvenile bovine, which makes a lot more sense.
Today I have been running between foundation Trench 1, at the NE corner of the new structure and Space 271. In foundation trench 1 the workmen have been removing the spoil from previous excavation seasons down to the top of the first archaeological horizon. In Space 271, at the north of building 59, we remover floor 14619, the first in what I hope to be a short sequence of floor deposits in this space.
The next few days look like they will be spent switching between excavating foundation Trench 1 and working with Mike in building 59, in attempt to help ensure this building is fully excavated by the end of the season. The street of space 271 will just have to wait for now.Entered By: DE |