Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Rosalind Wallduck 
Team: West-Buffalo/Camb 
Date: 7/1/2007 
Entry: Day 6-

Woke up this morning feeling really tired, even though I had gone to bed early. Maybe I am fending off some illness or another.
Naomi and I had a rather long day on the never-ending burrow of doom. Ok, its not to bad, but after a while, trying to brush soil out of a hole that keeps filling up continuously, you start to go a bit mad. Why else would you start to believe that cows explode if you feed them baking soda…
Also had issues with the unit sheet sketching. We had to redo the unit sheet due to the fact that the first drawing was of it before we knew how large it truly was. The first time doing this it went wrong due to my tired state, the second time was because we had issues with the meter stick, and only after help from Peter did the drawing finally get done.

I forgot to mention two important things yesterday-

1) There is a white/grey line running straight through the burrow in an east-west direction that may be a plaster line. Shenena visited today and brought up the fact it could be a grave lining… As much as I like burials, I want to get rid of this unit as soon as possible, as progress is rather slow on this.
2) I was finding some stones in the area where all the human bones were coming out... they weren’t very large, and there wasn’t a large number, but it may have been something to do with the disturbed burial. For example a grave lining. However, because of the disturbance, it is hard to say. Also the animal may have bought in the material.

So, all we really managed to do today was clean, photograph, and draw the animal burrow (Unit number 14218). We assigned the burrow a cut number for use in the photo, and had to discard the unit numbers assigned to the cut and the fill of the 'grave' that turned out to be the end of the animal burrow. I made note of this on the unit sheet.

At 2 o'clock we finally began to take down unit 14213 (the platform surrounding the burrow), but do to a very limited number of tools this was slow going. We had to steal a barrow off of Ray, and use a broken bucket. There were no large shovels left at all, and we got the last mattock.

Katie got to excavate the bones that are in the east part of the site, looked more interesting than our hole. It was good that we got to do the deep sounding today, and especially nice to see two skulls poking out. I hope they are Chalcolithic burial. Was interesting to see some lenses, Peter thinks that’s its probably midden. I hope it isn’t just the stuff from the canal digging…
There was another nice obsidian blade there- almost see through, It is interesting that on hardly any blades there is retouch. As I haven’t studied Neolithic blades in depth, I'm not sure whether this is 'normal', but in my opinion retouch would be expected, as it would be a way to re-sharpen tools without having to go through all the trouble fo making a new one. However, I have another idea- maybe obsidian is naturally sharp enough that it doesn't need hardly any retouch at all…

All in all, today was an odd day, going exceptionally quickly (except the hungry bit before breakfast!), but I was feeling rather tired, and a little bit sad, as I am missing a certain person. yes, I am a soppy female!Entered By: RJW 
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