Excavation Diary Entry

Name: ER 
Team: West-Buffalo/Camb 
Date: 7/1/2007 
Entry: Team in good health, only Ray staying in in the afternoon.

The Selcuk team, consisting of Asuman, Zafer, Zeliha and Utku finished drawing the two of the elevations of grave F. 2404 they chose to document. Then they took out the construction stones (unit 13754) as well as the tiles (14209) that I think are a later repair after the robbing pit.No samples were taken of the tiles. After that the fill 14236 was dug out, also with the aim to further trace the cut 13779. Alas, it proved to ve really hard to trace in the S edge of the trench and seemed to be curving Swards, so to be on the safe side in case there was an earlier pit we missed, we dug out the S bump using a somewhat arbitrary unit 14240.

Ros and Naomi seem to have a really hard time in their Nw corner, but after photographing the molehole 14218 went on taking down the spit 14213 in that corner.

Katie H. and Alex, later Katie K and Alex took 14217 down to what now seems to be EC mudbrick that is abutting the greyish midden stuff outside wall F. 2405. it became clear during cleaning that the mudbrick walls of F. 2412 identified last year are set into those mudbricks within a cut and fill. They have been assigned F. 2413 last year by Ingmar. In order to find out what is going on with the mudbricks towards the S, the baulk was included in the unit 14213.

Ben and Ray cleaned the orange-burnt bricky surface in the S end of the former trench 5 extension as well as last years surface where the crisscross was on and the mudbricks N of it which came up to be a continuation of the mudbricks 2413. We still can't establish a relation with wall 2405 though.

Maxime and katie K. later Katie H, assigned unit numbers 14237 and 14238 as cut and fill for the grave they discovered in close to the E profile of the former 5 extension. The bones coming up seem to bepretty articulated, so we hope the anthropologists aren't too busy tomorrowand can have a look.

Gen and the four workmen (Mustafa, Ali, Abdullah and Mevlud) scraped down the profiles of the kebce cut at the canal edge which I refer to as Peter's quarry from now on. In the N profile there's some stratigraphy visible in 2m depth, and slightly higher up two skulls sick in the W profile. I have no control which number was used to send in the finds that Ingmar used for the findas he retrieved from th ekebce spoil, but Gen is taking out a new set of numbers for the quarry whose official name is going to be trench 7.

Documentation work is too much for Frank. Two hours in the afternoon are not enough for him to catch up with reading off the station and doing the Cad work. I don't mind writing the diary after dinner when all the sheets are back in the folder when people are done with them. It only is a problem if other people start watching a film already at 8.15 PM without even asking if I might still need some light to finish my work. But I hate to see Frank sitting at the documentation for four hours minimum each day. But the daily sketches he produces with CAD are great! Hope this gets less work as all the last year's units are in the sketch.Entered By: ER 
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