Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Rosalind Wallduck 
Team: West-Buffalo/Camb 
Date: 7/2/2007 
Entry: Day 7-

I'm still feeling really tired. I suppose it was probably because I stayed up to see Tom and Helen arrive safely, and also to get a phone card (which was unsuccessful.. Frustration!!)

Today we finally got to take down unit 14213, so me and Naomi picked up the remaining mattocks and shovel, and stared to dig. I was digging by the Western wall of the limit of excavation, and low and behold, more animal burrow! At first we weren't sure if it was something other than an animal burrow because the texture of the soil was less 'loose' and had more inclusions, such as charcoal, but once I had cleared it out, there was a consensus that it was most likely the rest of the burrow.
However, to the east of the burrow there is a block of hard material, probably mud brick.. Eva has suggested that this may be the lining to the grave that was disturbed by the animal.
Tomorrow I am going to take down the higher mud brick levels (that are extremely disturbed by animals) to see what is going on in that area.

I watched Katie K uncover a clay ball today in layer 14213, just south of the burrow. -lots of ball action on site so far (not including ants and Alex...)

On a random side note, we seem to have a 'little furry visitor', named ''meep'' by Katie H. He is a little ground squirrel that kept popping his head out of his hole very close to where we were digging and 'meeping' at us. Not sure if he approved of me destroying his home! I was waiting for him to emerge out of the section wall.

Overall an ok day- been a bit on edge, because I really want to call home!Entered By: RJW 
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