Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Katie Jenene Kamphaus 
Team: West-Buffalo/Camb 
Date: 7/2/2007 
Entry: Worked again today cleaning part of unit 14217 with Alex. Soon though, he and Eva decided that we should focus on the area slightly to the north, which was unit 14213. Ben and Ray also moved up to help us, since there was a large amount of material to be taken down. The goal was to understand the mudbrick/grave complex in the southern portion of the unit, while at the same time taking down the other areas of the unit to be level with that area. The area that Ros and Naomi are working in is right next to our area, so we should have a good picture of a fairly large portion of the trench at that level soon. Ben and I worked on the western part of the unit and found some mudbrick and will continue to see if there is more of a foundation underneath those bricks. I found a clay ball while digging, so that got assigned as an X find (X3). We also pulled up a few pieces of bone that might have come from a cow or some large animal since they were pretty robust. Also collected a sample of TILE (S1) that Alex and Ray found near the burial cut in the unit.

Tom and Helen came onto site today. I have spoken to Helen via Facebook, but oddly enough, not in person yet.

We had a team meeting today at 5 to discuss how things are going, and everything seems to be running fairly smoothly, with only a few kinks in organization to work out. Anyhow, I’m going to go now and sort out some unit sheets.Entered By: KJK 
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