Excavation Diary Entry

Name: ER 
Team: West-Buffalo/Camb 
Date: 7/2/2007 
Entry: Pretty cold day today, everyone fit and working outside in the trenches. Windy as any day.

In the NW corner, Ros and Naomi carried on taking both the spit 14213 down and worked on the soft dark soil 14218 which seems to extend further N and S today. Some mudbrickish stuff seem to appear there, too.

The feature we attributed number 2412 or 2413 to (plan 06/923 is not clear on that and neither are the feature sheets) when we only could see the E part, was cleared down by Alex and Ray today. The three of us with the whole team joining in spent half of the day by discussing the stratigraphy of the massive mudbrick grave we have sitting in the center of trench 5. I really liked the way we played that intellectual game, with trying to score points by finding the actual evidence for our various reasoning. Hope too have more features like that, as we are getting bored by digging stratigraphically unrelatabel pits in mixed erosion soil. Alas, I forgot to remember the new team members that as part of the grave had already been exposed last year, they should have checked on whether some of the units already got numbers. So all new numbers were attributed:

F 2412 is now 2416
U 14205 (grave fill) is now 14246
U 14206 (bricks) is now 14247
U 14207 (mortar) is now 14248

It appears that F 2416 is cut into the mudbricks that seem to be connected with wall 2408 by means of a pretty clear cut U 14250. We see a cut (U 14249) in the N of the grave into the erosion slope, too, but right now aren't sure if that is the original grave's cut or that of a loose fill (14245) in the grave that seems different from the fill below (14246) might be somehow connected with a layer of burnt orange mudbricks on top (14244) . As we still must bear in mind that the grave might have been robbed at some point, we identified separate units for these three entities.

Ben and Katie K. took down more of spit 14213 and discovered a corner of mudbrick close to the W profile that appears to be a grave sitting under the profile.

The Selcuk team scraped down some cm of spit 14217 in the SW area of the trench and came upon a molehole (14242 and 14243) they strated to scrape down. A set of mudbricks around a human mandibula fragment (possible charnel) comes up close to the S profile.

In the extension, Maxime and Katie H. clarified cut 14237 and fill 14238
of the poorly preserved headless upper body of grave F. 2417 and documented it ready for lifting.

As the film watchers are on again without asking if I need some light, I stop here. Cleaning and digging went on in trech 7, please refer to the PFB diary for that as I can't keep track of both.Entered By: ER 
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