Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Craig Cessford 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 7/25/1998 
Entry: CRAIG 25_7_98

Work continues after the day off. The deposits to the south of the wall of Building 1 are proving particularly rich and interesting. A consensus appears to be growing that they are primarily a dump of material from a burnt building which also incorporates other smaller rubbish deposits. Adnan has been working on the western part and unit 3021 in particular produced a lot of interesting clay objects from the flotation. Sharon and Åsa have been working on the eastern part and have roughly similar, though by no means identical, deposits particularly 3030 and 3035. There was also a pot cluster 3031 which looked like it had broken in-situ and a bone cluster 3037 that Rissa found interesting. These deposits are posing lots of questions and generating a lot of interest, unfortunately we are only digging a c.10-20cm slot through them so we are unlikely to understand them fully. The deposits to the east of Building 1 remain untouched and it will be interesting to see how closely they match those to the south.

Mark has been working on the western part of the northern wall, the pit that he thought existed turned out not to be real but he has clearly shown that wall is in a foundation cut 3040. The exact extent of this is currently unclear but it can only have included part of the northern and western walls, there was no evidence elsewhere for such a cut. Why was this corner singled out for special attention?

I started work on general infilling 3045 but only managed a small area. Hopefully within a couple of days more people will be able to work on this as other tasks are completed. I am still pleased with progress even though Building 1 refuses to die.Entered By: Craig Cessford 
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