Entry: | As agreed upon yesterday, the Selcuk team members now work on their own, supported by Scott who will be out with us during the next two weeks. Only now I realized how much better things work out in the EC structures if I can really be with our team and have the time to really trowel myself into difficult areas and don't have to hop around all the time. I even have time for frequent vists to trecnh 7 now! So I also expect the Selcuk team to write their own diary from now on as I cannot keep track of their unit numbers.
Naomi and Ros extended 14213 into the baulk to clarify the tikes that have come up while digging ou the mole-hole 13783.After some days of exposure, I think the mudbrick collapse the mole-holes were dug into look a bit to yellow to be EC and belong to the wall in the profile. I hope we can detect the cut for the pit or grave I expect there tomorrow morning, otherwise I tend to just hack that crap out as I am getting bored by the stuff that overlies EC walls. I want this trench to defragment and connect the walls in the S with the one in the N.
In order to trace plaster line 13798 further towards the W, Ray and Kathie K. dug down pit 15306. After more than 30cm of depth there still seems to be no soil change, but the plaster line has not reappeared yet. While I can clearly see mudrnick in the N of the pit's cut aligning well with the plaster, I am happy that lunch break gave as the possibility to expose that pit to drying as this might help in seeing things clearer tomorrow.
Ben came upon a more yellowish and mudbrickish fill layer 14274 just about the time when he was able to detect the W part of the pit's or grave's cut that was dug away by a later intrusion.
Alex took out the remaining outside-the-coffin-fill 14260 in grave 2416, so this feature only awaits Ben's thing to be out and will then be removed as well.
Helen and Tom cleaned down the rubble in W of wall 2408 in order to find if there are more pits present or not. I tend to believe we got now rid of all of them and has to wait until the Selcuk team has removed their grave there as it is cut into that deposit.
Later during the day, Peter, Alex and myself discussedthe aread around wall 2408 and how it connects to the bricks 13797 around the criss-cross-pattern. We agreed that the room infill 13796 we have partly dug last year continues right until the E edge of the baulk. This means that the plaster we see on the profiel tehre is actually facing the inside of the wall with the bricks 13797 and we have dug away three courses or so last year. We take this infill down until the level of the trench 5 extension as well as the base of the cut of 2403, so we will be able to see how it abuts that wall. The only puzzlng thing remains the little space in the N of that space. I don't know if that 15cm gap between two mudbricks is a gap between houses, a niche or just some kind of broader gap between two mudbricks as the fill in it looks essentially like the mortar between bricks of that wall.
So finally from tomorrow onwards I wil be able to stand inside walls of a house while giving a through our trench, something I have always dreamed of since I have started to excavate here, very much envying Mike and Roddy and all the diggers on the East Mound.Entered By: ER |