Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Michael House 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 7/10/2007 
Making slow progress on B.59, but progress none the less. Today was a very busy day and the building was rammed with students, five in total along with Dan, Freya and myself.

Some interesting relationships are becoming apparent the small storage room sp 313 in the NW appears to have changed its function with the bins being flattened and some in the NE corner being sealed below floors 14647. During this period of internal restructuring the room directly to the south sp 316 appears to have also been formally established as a working space with the construction of two sets of bins F.2385 and 2383 a large oven in the SW corner F. 2384 and a formal Hearth in the NW corner F.2388. However below the super structure of the hearth there was clear evidence of continuous use of the space as a fire spot possibly as an open hearth.

The removal of floor units in sp 311 has liberated the large curbed platform F.2370 in the NW corner and it's build sequence makes it look relatively short lived with two thick plastering events the second raising the curb height by almost 5cm. Freya appears to have discovered a shallow cut or post hole in platform F.2376 which corresponds with the damage to the platform to the east F.2377 this may represent some form of decorative feature mirroring the one clearly visible on F.2370 to the west. This post appears to have been removed and the platform repaired and or raised with the addition of a new mud brick core and replastered event.Entered By: MWH 
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