Entry: | 7th July Photos U13751- After removal of mud brick trench lining U14213 -Katy and Ros's area on North wall U14267- Skeleton U14270 - Tom and Helen's burrow/pit U14271 - Cut of pit U14272 - The pit Ray and I dug U15104 - Floor in T7
8th July Photos U13270 - Cut of pit, Tom U14260 - The grave that I photographed the skeleton from yesterday U14274 - Pit/Grave, Ben dug. U15306 - Fill of potential pit
9th July Photos
U13751 - section showing cut U13796 - room with plaster U15100 - 1st step floor in T7 showing wall and midden debris, horizontal U15306 - pit with stone, Ray's area U14278 - Layer U15105 - Pots in T7
10th July Photos
U14281 Pit cut U15305 - pit cut, n.b. walls also visible (Ray and Katy) U14213 after removal 14277 start of: working photo of arbitrary baulk U15107 T7 pots on floor with plaster U15108 mudbrick wall and plaster
There's been talk of making a private option for the diary so that things aren't published online. I think that's a good plan. Also I'd say that lack of anonymity leads to self-censorship. By that I mean if there is something sensitive that could do with discussion, but no-one wants to start it, then an 'anonymous' option on the diary database might help.
I haven't written in the diary for a couple of days. After the field trip I was exhausted. I think I've cracked the problem today. I've been finding I eat so much I can barely move, and sleep so little I can barely think, so skipped lunch for a nap today, and the world seems a better place.
The trip to other sites really enthused me to get more involved with the time period. During my degree I got into Classical, Paleolithic and Bronze Age, and by the by completely missed out the Neolithic and Chalcolithic. I'm keen to catch up where I can, so erm, reading lists this way please (preferably including easily accessible pdfs). I would say despite loving the field trip, I think the day was too long not just for me, but the driver. Can we get back earlier next year, perhaps by sacrificing a site or two? Alternatively employ two drivers so one can sleep.
Spoke to Coleen the other day, and have been reading a paper she wrote on photography in Catal. It's really cool to be on a project where I get to chat to other media-interested types. Had a bit of a flash-back to my own undergrad dissertation and got ideas started up again.Entered By: N. Christie |