Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Raymond Benjamin Whitlow 
Team: West-Buffalo/Camb 
Date: 7/11/2007 
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Entry: Day 14
Long day today. Most of the day was spent trying to determine where the mudbrick walls were, so Eva and Frank spent most of the day in our section trying to trace wall through the clump of rodent holes and the few scattered burials still in Trench 5. I’ve heard that we might be clear to continue excavating the burials as soon as Saturday. I hope so- I’m concerned that we won’t be able to finish with them and will spend next year once again cleaning burials.

While Eva and Frank were looking in the profile wall in 5x, I was working on the Northern side of pit 15306 trying to excavate a complete block. I met with mixed success: I’ve exposed one end of the mudbrick, but I lost it on the western end in what might be a truncation or a large slope of the pit. We’ve identified the compact clay as the mortar from the walls, which has been greatly helpful in identifying mudbricks as we trowel. It appears that we have two walls which run close, but not quite, parallel to each other. The plaster line in our area has been helpful in identifying the relation of these mudbricks, and the two possibilities seem to be either that there were two close houses, or the walls belong to two different phases. Tomorrow we’ll be pulling back a layer of soil in the NW corner to try and find evidence for either of these possibilities.

Warm weather today, and I think the heat, dust, and lack of a cool afternoon breeze has exhausted a lot of us.Entered By: RBW 
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