Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Filiz Seker 
Team: IST 
Date: 7/14/2007 
Entry: For the last week and a half I've been working in Building 59. The first week of this was spent in Mike's back room, space 276, clearing relatively sterile floor and make-up deposits. The only feature of any real note in the back room was F2390, the three rectangular storage bins in the northwest corner of the room. These were extremely damaged, their walls generally not exceeding 5cm in height. In terms of any internal deposits, the southernmost contained the greater number of surfaces. The northernmost was so damaged that only a single small patch of plaster floor remained. These bins were founded on a currently unexcavated surface ( presently locked by the stratigraphy to the south of the space 276, 311 threshold). Two largish lumps of tufa were also identified, sitting directly on this surface. The underside of these stones had round stone nodules attached.

With space 276 locked I moved south into the main space 311. Having excavated two 'free' surfaces on platform F2376 - still no burials! - we managed to release platform 2370. Platform 2370 was extremely straightforward, comprising a rubbe core (14626), a clay surround and capping, truncated at the top by a small pit contining a cluster of burnt stone (14672), all of which was sealed by extremely thick plaster (14666). With its removal, we found that platform 2376 had originally continued west, underlying later platform 2370. This in turn, freed floors that covered this platform and continued south in the central area of space 311. Still nor burials!Entered By: FS 
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