Entry: | Diary 15-07-07
Frustrating day, the constant wind coupled with the crap perma-trace is really starting to get to every one; tempers were at breaking point…..The archaeology in B.59 on the other hand is actually behaving its self, and our deadline of two weeks is seaming more achievable. All of the features in the two western rooms (sp 316 and 313) should be removed this week and the floors will be the primary floor surfaces in the building.
Freya and Bear continued to excavate in the SE corner dealing with the truncated platform F.2380 which appears to have been damaged by several events a large cut was formed by the removal of what appears to be another post retrieval pit this may explain the lack of plaster on the southern portion of the west facing wall. However why two post have been placed so close together is perplexing and may relate to the subsidence focused in the SE corner. Other damage to the platform appears connected to the removal of the ladder and mirrors the events in building 60 above. A scoop was also located beneath the ladder containing an obsidian Arrow head in a very dark matrix.Entered By: MWH |