Entry: | Full team except Katie H. Naomi had to stay in after lunch, too. Michaela drew and started to lift the skeleton 14296 in F. 2419.
Good day today after more sleep last night. Mood hope- and cheerful, singing Turku songs in the trench.
Started to document walls in trecnh 5 with Frank and the Total Station. Cleaned down the soil that still sticked to the EC wall in the W grave cut 13751 of F. 2403. I am not sure if that soil is the one that fills the gap between this wall of greyish mudbrick now called F. 2424 and wall 2408, or if it is the backfill 13785 in the grave cut, or if ist is only moleholes, but the sparse finds are attributed to 13785. The wall there is badly meep-disturbed.
In the disturbance cut 14262 of grave 2420 the relationship between the yellow mudbrick wall 2425 N of 2424 and the grave became visible. Naomi made photos of ist, and the sketch is on the unit sheet of the wall 2425's mudbrick 15320. It shows the cut and backfill as well as the E mudbrick lining of the grave cutting both 2424 and 2425 which are closely abutting each other.
Ray and Katie K. started tracing the S wall in the N of the trench after the strange pit 15313 and 15314 with the tile cluster 15315 was dug away, using 15312 which looks as much like EC rubble as 14299.Entered By: ER |