Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Dan Eddisford 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 7/18/2007 
Entry: With the deadline looming I am still working on excavating the foundation trenches for the permanent shelter over the 4040 area. Several of the human remains team have been working in Trenches 1 and 2, here they have lifted five individuals from Trench 1 and two individuals from Trench 2. I am hoping to return to Trench 1 as soon as possible to begin reducing the room fill in the trench, however to amount of apparently disarticulated human bone visible in the sections of the cuts suggests there may still be further inhumations in this area.

The past few days I have been working in Trench 19. Here a series of highly laminated ashy deposits were cut by the corner of a building F.2847 in the NE corner of the trench. Against the western wall of this building an external rectangular feature F.2833 was constructed. If the building is indeed cut into the middin then this feature must have been at least partly sunken below ground level.

Trench 19 is now at formation level and I am working in Trench 4. Here we have removed the last course of an eroded mudbrick wall F2849, which overlay building fill 15651. This sealed a small patch of truncated floors 15660, which were apparently associated with an E-W wall F 2851. This wall was constructed in part on a large slab of plaster 15665 which appears to have acted as a foundation slab to stabilize the underlying middin.Entered By: DE 
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