Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Colleen Leah Morgan 
Team: Berkeley 
Date: 7/20/2007 
Entry: Waiting for a full video render to run, so thought I'd write a brief diary. Moved on to FT 4, where the late burial was holding up progress. Took out a very ephemeral course of bricks (15654), f. (2844) that ran NNE/SSW and ran into sequence problems with the intervening construction fill. Started taking out wall f. (2852) because it looked like the midden layer was running underneath it, but it quickly became clear that the midden was actually abutting the wall. So, after some paper shuffling, started taking out (15675) which runs almost all the way to formation. There is about a layer of construction fill under the midden, abutting the walls, and over formation about 50mm.

Will be taking levels of FT 4 tomorrow to check formation, then will take out the rest of f. 2852 whiich abuts a N-S running wall. After taking out those two walls, the trench should be finished, knock wood.

Have been viewing the diary entries with some interest; firstly, I'm glad to see that people are enthusiastic about Ruth's work and my own, and secondly I wish I had the guts to say some of the things that have been said better by other people.

Also busy trying to organize the Catal film night. Hopefully people will attend.Entered By: CLM 
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