Excavation Diary Entry

Name: DE 
Date: 7/14/2008 
Entry: The past week I have been continuing our excavations in B49 with Colleen and Louise. We have removed an internal partition wall F1654 and F1659, which divided space 100 from a small side room, recorded as space 334. The central area of the internal wall was heavily truncated by animal burrows. The northern part of the wall was recorded as F1654. To the west of this wall, within space 334, a small area of dirty floors was recorded as (14452). This appears to represent the only surviving surfaces associated with space 334 and was sampled for phytoliths.

To the north of the internal wall, within space 100, floor layer (14427) consisted of a clay make up layer sealing a white plaster floor. This overlay the white plaster (14431) and brown clay construction (14435) of basin F1497. The basin was within construction cut [14436], cut into platform F1666.

Below the construction cut of the basin floors (14432) consisted of a mid brown clay make up and a patchy layer of white plaster. This sealed wall plaster (14443) on the internal partition wall F1654. The northern part of the internal wall constructed of sandy mudbricks (14444) and ashy grey mortar (14445). The southern part of the internal wall F1659 was excavated by CLM.

The removal of internal wall F1659/1654 has resulted in spaces 100 and 334 being replaced by a single larger space, recorded as space 335. This is rewcorded as new phase within the B49 sequance, in which the western area of the building is now occupied by a sequence of platforms. The complex sequence in the western area of B49 is further complicated by extensive animal disturbance and areas which were overexcavated during the earlier excavations within B49. 
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