Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Craig Cessford 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 8/15/1998 
Entry: Back again after the holidays, for those who managed to get away at least. Adnan away so nothing happening in space 155. In 156 Åsa removed part of the collapsed wall. In 157 Mark removed some more infilling from the bins. In Space 154 Serdar removed infilling from beside wall 224 which revealed what appears to be a ladder installation at the eastern end of the southern wall of space 154. Sharon removed the mud-brick and plaster feature (3247) which was lying in the infilling. Began removing the last of the infilling down onto plaster floors starting in the north-west.

Had a bit of a discussion during the specialist tour with regards to sampling floors. Came up with a form of compromise which should hopefully provide a higher degree of spatial definition. Discovered at the end of the day that the drawback of the compromise that we reached is that it creates a lot of paperwork and sample labelling. One 0.8 x 0.8m square took me ¾ of a hour to deal with at the end of the day.

Frank seems to be progressing well with conserving the walls although he is having problems with coring the wall plasters. He is noticing large amounts of information on the walls that is really helpful. Sometimes the pressure of work means that I don’t have time just to look at things and I can’t see he wood for he trees.

Ian said that press day may be later than expected, in some respects this is good news but I hope it doesn’t lead to us not digging things because they look good.Entered By: Craig Cessford 
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