Entry: | Pretty hot day today which (especially after lunch which I plan to skip again as I did last year) made my brain work very slow (if at all).
There is a pit disturbing the room fill in the SW corner of the trench that we had uncovered after the removal of grave 2420. The pit was itself cut by the grave cut 15317. In order to dig it, we first have to remove the deposit which seems to partially overlie the pit as we see it in the W cut of 2420. The soil there has orange and grey patches, includes some stones and brick lumps as well as highly fragmented potsherds and some late finds such as iron nails and bronze rings. May well be yet another pit and was taken down by AWH and DEL as unit 16878.
Yesterday we had set another NS profile at 686 E in order to isolate the mudbrick grave that continues under the 685 profile. Selcuk will not be able to dig this in 2008, as it would involve moving the tent. SO, MB and JJW dug down into what appears to be heavily disturbed slope downwash as unit 16383. Beneath that a disturbance (irregular pit ot just a heavily moleholed area that ater collapsed) appeared which we subsequently also identified between 685 and 686 E, thus fortunately allowing us to dig down S of the isolated grave, too. MB and SO started to dig that disturbance as 16874.
JMR and KJK drew walls 2429 and 2428 and their possible continuation towards the W profile, which still remains an issue of discussion with PFB, as the space between the two walls as we can see it W of the big pit 15306 appears to be more S than E of that pit. The relation of the two, however, remains distroyed by that pit. I really hope we can solve that by digging down as soon as the remaining erosion slope towards the SW is gone.
The Selcuk team has been partially removed to the East Mound, and they finished documenting the shallow rectangular pit 16891, which enables us to tackle the disturbance idenified as unit 16861 tomorrow. I am looking forward to it as this is hopeully the last thing that keeps us from digging into the new spaces 340 and 341. It is cutting into their corners. The Selcuk team also documented pit 16831 which contained some tiles and cuts into what appears to be yet another space, as I can see a white plastered wall in its S cut. Maybe they overdug here slightly. |