Excavation Diary Entry

Name: MB 
Date: 7/28/2008 
Entry: Monday 28.07.08

Today went smoothly. I was working again on the room fill unit 16838 in the Western side of Trench 5 (West Mound) with Sonia and Jemima. Most of the work consisted in identifying a large disturbance (3.50x2.30x0.50m), which was assigned the unit number 16874. This disturbance is visible in the profiles of the grave f.2416 and f.2420. For instance, no human bones were recovered from this pit, though large sherds (painted chalco. Pot, characteristic neo/chalco handles), numerous animal bones and small obsidian flakes were bagged. This unit was identified because of its different (very crumbly) texture. A large patch of what appears to be mudbrick is also visible on the surface of 16874. I will tell you more about this disturbance in the next days. Hopefully, we will be able to identify a wall in the Western edge of Trench 5, so as to 'close' room fill 16838 and assign a space number. 
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