Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Craig Cessford 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 8/27/1998 
Entry: End of another week, the season is beginning to feel like it is nearly over.
In space 156 Asa has continued investigating the deposits up against the southern wall. She is making progress and I hope that she will get everything down to surface by the middle of next week. In 157 Mark has begun removing the second halves of he bin fills, this should go fairly quickly and then he can move onto the floors. Hopefully the blocking between 156 and 157 can be removed this season.
In 155 Adnan and Serdar are coming down onto floors and have also revvealed a number of features. Adnan thinks that they are for grinding but I am not so sure.
In 154 we cleaned up today and took lots of photographs, Bill also did a lot of sampling. We still have some infilling to remove over the platform and lots of recording to do but we are nearly ready to start looking at the floors. The niches proved very interesting. The main one in the south wall F.246 contains and impressive, although badly damaged, oven [F.242]. The one in the eastern wall actually goes right through and connects spaces 154 and 155. This must be to connect the fire instalation with the features that Adnan has found, was it constructed to keep the northern part of the house clean and free from domestic cooking material?Entered By: Craig Cessford 
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