Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Craig Cessford 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 8/31/1998 
Entry: A rather frustrating day. In space 156 Asa was slowed down by the discovery of a second basket under a baulk and by the fact that she had a bit of a cold. In 157 Mark did some recording and joy of joy has actually started to dig some floor deposits. In 155 Adnan removed more infilling and is nearly down on to floor everywhere. Due to the nature of the building I somehow see much less of what Adnan is doing than I do of Mark and Asa, does this is some way mirror the building in the Neolithic? In 154 Sharon took off the infilling over platform 239, there was some obsidian and part of a basket lying on the surface beneath. There is also a cut in the south-west corner. This presumably goes with 3806 that I dug earlier and relates to a post in the corner. This increases the symmetry between the two 'doorways' into space 154. I spent the day doing some recording and dealing with bits of oven 242.Entered By: Craig Cessford 
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