Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Craig Cessford 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 9/2/1998 
Entry: Craig 2nd Sept

A fairly good day. In Space 156 Asa is down to surface 2353 all over and has begun sampling. Mark has emoved all of the uppermost surface 3858 in space 157 in 0.2m squares. I hope that all the sampling is justified by the results. Hopefully tomorrow they will begin taking down blocking F.249 between them. In space 155 Adnan has removed the last of the infilling and is cleaning up. His space is quite complex given its narowness with several features on the walls, a possible fire instalation protruding into the southern end, two 'basins' and a 'pillar'. In Space 154 I removd the second halves of the fills from niche F.247. I then removed parts of the uppermost surfaces 3844 and 3845. The strategy for digging floors will be really ad hoc depending on circumstances but it should provide at least some information. Sharon finished pit 3867 and is now recording the layers of platform F.239 revealed in its sides.

Strategy wise I would like to finish as much of the digging and sampling as possible in the next few days [by sunday thre 6th say] and then concentrate on recording for three days [7th-9th] before going for a big clean on the 10th. Space 156 might be backlled before press day [on the 11th perhaps]. Press day is the 12th and after that general backfillng on the 13th to 15th. Then home on the 17th and back to the joys of digging in Cambridgeshire hopefully. I am quite looking forward to simple rural sits where you take less than one sample a day on average.Entered By: Craig Cessford 
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