Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Craig Cessford 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 9/5/1998 
Entry: Craig 5th September

Start of last proper working week. In 155 Adnan finished his base plan and paperwork, he has now gone to work on his groundstones. Someone will have to do a little digging in 155 but not much. It now seems to make quite a bit of sense. I am a bit dubious about where exactly the true division between 155 and 154 is, I will simply continue to use the line of wall 229. At the northern end of 155 there is a plastered bench [F.350] and plastered brick pillar [F.351] built up against the northern wall [F.226]. South of this is an area c.1.4m north-south where the layer (3845) is a continuation of space 154. There is then a narrow partition wall [F.352] with a 'pillar' [F.353]. This looke to be a complex feature which was probably remodelled several times. There is at least the possibility that during some phases F.353 was completely blocked with no access possible via this route. We then enter space 155 proper. The first feature we encounter is a plastered pillar [F.354] against the eastern wall. Immediately south of this are a pair of plaster 'basins' [F.355 and F.356]. The function of these is unclear - holding water, grinding area etc, we are going to sample these to look at the micromorphology soon. We then encounter 'niche' F.247 which runs right through wall F.229 between spaces 154 and 155. It is just possible to crawl through this feature and it could have provided access in F.352 had completely blocked the northern end. Alternatively it may just have been for passing things through. Finally on the easten side at the southern end there is F.357, we are not sure what this is. It may be a fire instalation, possibly poking through from the building to the east.

In space 156 Asa worked on recording and removing blocking F.249 whilst Mark drew elevations of the walls of space 157. In 154 I dug a small area through a series of deposits in the western side of pit [3291]. These relate to the sequence of fire instalations against the south wall which culminate in F.242. I dug them as a series of horizons - 3875, 3884 - 3890 - primariy to obtain some samples for flotation. It revealed some interesting indications concening earlier ovens and 'ridges'. Sharon has been digging a small ares of platform F.239 along the edge of [3867], again primarily to obtain flotation samples and an idea of the sequence.Entered By: Craig Cessford 
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