Excavation Diary Entry

Name: KJK 
Date: 8/3/2008 
Entry: Yesterday was a plastery day. I didn't write a diary entry, because for some reason my computer and one of the general seminar room computers were not connecting. Anyhow, I uncovered plaster and phytoliths all day in space 341.

Today, I spent the day doing more paperwork regarding that space, and finished up unit sheet 16859. I opened up unit 16897 to get a photo, and then spent the rest of the day clearing out the disturbance (16861) in the NE corner of the space. I have found the corner of the room fill and the interior walls of that area, so that's good. The outer wall corner is still a bit hazy, but harder to do work to find that since the Selcuk team is working on a burial right to the east of where I am. Anyhow, tomorrow the fill can start coming out at an even lower level and maybe eventually we can find a floor. Took a photo of the cut from 16861 (Unit 16883) and will have to do paperwork on the cut tomorrow as well. 
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