Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Naomi Hamilton 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 8/15/1998 
Entry: 15th August. We had a three day holiday, hence no work for a while. Despite the reason, it is dispiriting to find F279 still waiting for me. I decided to take out 2872, the plaster 'thing' on the south of the crawlhole, as this would make the space look different! - and would also allow me to free up the deposits south of F279 from another angle. In the end, I abandoned the idea because I would have to get to grips with the whole thing again, while in the middle of something else. Instead I did a 1:10 plan of F279 in its current state, showing the lower (or middle) deposits not visible on the last plan. However, after tea I went on a priority tour because Wendy said it was to discuss the size of excavation units, and it seemed particularly important. Actually it turned into a normal priority tour, except that there was no feed-back from us, and it went on for ages, and the BACH tent was so airless I began to feel too light-headed and dizzy and exhausted to get back to Mellaart, and ended up spending the rest of the day in bed! So much time wasted.Entered By: Naomi Hamilton 
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