Excavation Diary Entry

Name: RBW 
Date: 8/9/2008 
Entry: I stopped writing diaries when I began staying out an extra three hours for the long shot, and am far enough behind that I won't be able to recount everything.

We now have an elevation model stretching from T7 to the road just outside the Istanbul trench. It's flat. Less than 25cm of elevation change across the vast majority, except where man-made canals or ditches modify the topography. We've mapped the flatness to a 4m2 precision.

Today I worked in the SE corner of the T5 defining some mudbrick walls and roomfill in the newly designated space 345. The N wall is 5057 with units 17218 &17219, and the W wall is 5058 with units 17220, 17221. The walls are 1.2 and 1.6 meters respectively, and <50cm wide. Both stand out pretty well from the surrounding mudbrick after a quick troweling and brushing, and the material is very easy to distinguish from the surrounding fill, breaking into large chunks when cut with a trowel. Mortar is difficult to distinguish on these bricks, however animal disturbances are frequent and follow the likely mortar lines. The roomfill is small, only a .2 x .3 m triangle, and looks to be only a slice of material left after the Selcuk team excavated the later grave, F. 2419. The documentation for these units and features is up to date and the sketches mostly completed.

I can tell by glancing at today's the daily sketch that I'll probably have to devote another afternoon in the next day or so to catching things up, as we're already missing a couple of units. With any luck I'll move through 17217 quickly enough to get back to that tomorrow. 
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